Make a Missile Note!

The purpose of the Missile Notes blog is to inspire productivity in the form of creative writing by showcasing motivated textual developers on a day to day basis. Please feel free to read the day's prompt (the first post of every day), write for ten minutes about your interpretation of the prompt, and e-mail me your free write if you would like to share it with the other visitors of Missile Notes. Hopefully, this site will provide an encouraging atmosphere in which writers of every level of experience and stature can stimulate their minds daily. For more detailed information about Missile Notes, view this blog entry! E-mail me at to submit a free write!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And Missiles Rise

Hello, my name is Will Lewis, and welcome to Missile Notes! This site will be dedicated to its readers and writers, providing a much needed stimulus for those who wish to share their writing efforts, inherent imaginations, and active wills with the world (and, more importantly, with themselves). Every day, a writing prompt will be added on this site; your job is to write for a ten minute period about whatever occurs within your mind in response to that prompt. If you feel that you wrote something entertaining, creative, unique, worthwhile, or generally adequate to share with others, please e-mail me the result of your ten minute free write and I will post it on this blog under the date of the prompt that inspired it. The goal of this project is to motivate those who are enthused by the thought of writing, conceptualizing, venting, imagining, crafting, perceiving, and producing, but who are incapable of participating in such activities without outside encouragement (I am well aware of the fact that acting on ambition is very hard to come by at times). Please feel free to participate any and every day - it will be an incredible way to explore how others think and perceive, to collaborate by means of having access to a community of other writers, and to realize your own creativity and goals in the process.

E-mail free write submissions to with the subject of "Free Write."

Here are a few factors involved in the participation of this site that are worth mentioning:

*If you have questions about copyright, you may read this blog site's disclaimers at "" Missile Notes - with regards to my intentions - provides that its contributors participate for the sake of enjoyment, inspiration, production, networking, and personal growth, so perhaps reconsider submitting a free write if you feel overly attached to its creative content or feel that its content may violate your privacy in some way. Although the site's copyright policies do protect your content and publishing content on the internet at times establishes copyright in itself, please do not e-mail me anything you may not want to appear on Missile Notes. I am willing and able to share the general premise of a free write with Missile Notes readers should you want it to be shared in the stead of the actual free write it describes.

*Please follow legal obligations when submitting free writes to me. I will not relay free writes explicitly dealing with child pornography, hate speech, and the like should I receive them from members of the Missile Notes community.

*Should you want your contact information, personal/company website, or a very brief description of the reasoning behind which you generated your free write posted along with any submitted free write, please let me know what information you would like included in your submission (which is recommended if you are interested in networking or collaboration).

*Please submit free writes that are inspired by recent prompts. If you like a prompt that was posted three weeks ago, I hope you write on it and am glad that you are inspired by it, but your submission about it may go unnoticed within Missile Notes if it and its dated siblings are buried far enough into the site.

*I will not refuse the posting of free writes suffering from minor and acceptable instances of poor grammar, but would gladly reject submissions that were edited beyond grammar correction if I had a way of telling that someone spent far over ten minutes on their free write. You may edit your free write to correct minor grammar mistakes, but don't modify what you've done with ten minutes past that. It'll be great to see what people can come up with in just ten minutes, and I expect everyone (including myself) to produce unclear, incorrect, or confusing examples of writing at times.

*This project will start on Wednesday, July 7, 2010.

*Please participate as much as possible! I'd love to see a slew of writing endeavors appear on Missile Notes every day, and the possibilities and opportunities that this site provides trumps those of FML and TFLN in my personal opinion. So think outside the box, go where no man has gone before, and live the dream; the sky's the limit! Cliche cliche cliche!

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