Make a Missile Note!

The purpose of the Missile Notes blog is to inspire productivity in the form of creative writing by showcasing motivated textual developers on a day to day basis. Please feel free to read the day's prompt (the first post of every day), write for ten minutes about your interpretation of the prompt, and e-mail me your free write if you would like to share it with the other visitors of Missile Notes. Hopefully, this site will provide an encouraging atmosphere in which writers of every level of experience and stature can stimulate their minds daily. For more detailed information about Missile Notes, view this blog entry! E-mail me at to submit a free write!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

"A Solo at This Part of my Song is Like Profanity Directed at a Dying Veteran" by Matthew Zuniga

I play the floating
guitar when I do drugs
when Eddie Van Halen
is pumping through my
veins like the poppi of my
favorite plant –

hot naked twins holding
Les Pauls and surf guitars

bending the notes
pinching the notes

bending over
pinching themselves

to stay awake or
just not drift away.

A solo at this part of my song
is like profanity directed at a dying

when my foot is in the door already –

bombs away.

"Battle of the Bands" by Anonymous

"Plucked the slap bass right out of the air and swung it hard, hardlined that joker across the jaw with a two-four in the key of D minor! Recovered with a pipe organ facesplitter he did, throwin' sixteenth notes times five straight through my grand staff. Managed to pop down and use two to strike a harmony, but the rest cut me knee deep and I had to let out a little vox. He didn't like that one bit - no he didn't - he came back around again with Toccata in D Minor to match my slap D and he hit me free from where his double time had pinned me down (note that my tail coat still had room to sing). I slinked back up all legato and turned to staccato bash his mad pipes with some taps, and I succeed to please. Bellows turned to fire as he flipped up an accordion next, and we stepped it up to allegreto before long. A nice clean E major triad flew from his right hand and I ducked with a fretless melancholic riff. They fused to craft some kinda symphony, and I threw that slap bass right back to where it floated last. Caressed a synth and pulled the plug."

Prompt 23

Write about the floating guitar.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Untitled" by Mitchell Sherman

Paper: simple presentation
Aesthetically undefined
White, thin, pregnant with potential

Scissors: aggressive, sharpened
The ultimate delineator
Poised, Thrust, Genesis, Creation

String: manila, knotty, entwining
Connection between all and many
Looped, fastened, ready to wear

Mask: an illusion incarnate
The imagination unbound
A new animal now stalks the jungle

Prompt 21

Write about a mask made of paper.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Moonlight Sonata" by Will Lewis

And I slapped him across the face.

"What the fuck!?"

The moon was stunned. How dare anyone palm his craters in such a vigorous, unforeseen fashion. It was unforgivable.

"You did NOT just fucking do that. I'ma bring on some apocalypse if you don't goddamn apologize RIGHT now."

I stood there and stared that gasping hunk of stone right in his old tired eyes (which were a surprising amount of 'lit up,' I should say). He needed to know who was the fucking boss around here and I was going to show that sucker what was what. He was quivering with an intense aura about him, shitting his nonexistent moon shorts for all I cared. "Y'know what?" I thought. And then I slapped that fucker again.

"Goddamn!" The moon roared. "What the FUCK makes YOU think that YOU can slap ME - the MOON!"

I turned around and started walking away.

"Get 'cho ass back here!" He yelled into the back of a perfectly postured young genius. "I'm not through with you yet! Get back here or there'll be hell to pay!"

I knew he wasn't going to do anything. Apocalypse? Yeah right. He wouldn't even be able to work up the gravity to provide a romantic backdrop for me and my honey. Pfff, what a moon we have.

"I'm serious! Deeeeead serious! You can't do this to me! I'm da moon!"

As he said 'moon,' his voice cracked and trailed off into a sob. Bitch.

Prompt 20

Write about your confrontation with the moon.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Untitled" by Anonymous

Just how it happens in the comic books, The S slithered his way up to me, looking like horizontal lighting for the brief second that he traversed the ground. He stood eye to eye with me (from about a foot away, no less) after having been outside of the warehouse not a blink of an eye beforehand.

His eyes weren't slits, but his pupils were. It reminded me of looking down at a kitten, whose eyes - now that I think about it - were just as lifeless as this reptiles; it was the fur and the size of a kitten that gave it its playfulness. Apart those unmoving, lifeless eyes, The S had an intensity about his face. A slight snarl that looked as if it was out of any conscious control, nostrils that were obviously flaring, and a trembling of each individual scale, although I'm sure The S was an entity to never be taken as anything but one who has complete control of the situation. There seemed to be an unsettling element about him, but he must've been fully aware of that as well. How else would he have caught me red-handed in a perfectly planned homicide attempt?

He remained speechless as he raised his left hand slowly to meet my right, disarming me with a calmness only a stone could counter. I'm very glad that I knew what he was to do next, as I've heard those who fall prey to his preferred means of transport to the jail encounter experiences of hysteria and horror should they not expect what I did. He quickly unsheathed a fang from his mouth and planted it in my shoulder, wriggled free, and returned to his position of intense watchfulness. Without worry, I drifted off into unconsciousness, expecting a subtle, unseen journey to a prison hospital.

Prompt 19

Write about "the S."