What to write about, what to write about, what to write about. I could not decide. The 16th hour? What does that even mean? Four hours past 12. Midday. Four o’clock. One hour before happy hour. The happiest hour. What does this nonsense mean? Who knows? I do. Writing about it will not do it justice though. Justice. What is it? More nonsense. Even if I write about, writing about, what I write about, it is pointless. Nonsense. This topic is nonsense. So far, I have written about, writing about, writing about, and that is far too much for me to write about. I cannot help but think someone might understand this, but that thought itself is just me thinking about me, thinking about understanding, which culminates in me writing about, writing about. No good.
Anyway the time is approaching. The 17th hour is almost here. It’s pretty crazy that this song is approximately ten minutes long. The amount of time I am supposed to be writing for. Anyway, it just changed. Times up.
Make a Missile Note!
The purpose of the Missile Notes blog is to inspire productivity in the form of creative writing by showcasing motivated textual developers on a day to day basis. Please feel free to read the day's prompt (the first post of every day), write for ten minutes about your interpretation of the prompt, and e-mail me your free write if you would like to share it with the other visitors of Missile Notes. Hopefully, this site will provide an encouraging atmosphere in which writers of every level of experience and stature can stimulate their minds daily. For more detailed information about Missile Notes, view this blog entry! E-mail me at missilenotes@gmail.com to submit a free write!
Haha This one is sweet :P