Make a Missile Note!

The purpose of the Missile Notes blog is to inspire productivity in the form of creative writing by showcasing motivated textual developers on a day to day basis. Please feel free to read the day's prompt (the first post of every day), write for ten minutes about your interpretation of the prompt, and e-mail me your free write if you would like to share it with the other visitors of Missile Notes. Hopefully, this site will provide an encouraging atmosphere in which writers of every level of experience and stature can stimulate their minds daily. For more detailed information about Missile Notes, view this blog entry! E-mail me at to submit a free write!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Watching us Grow" by Matthew Zuniga

The feeling grew again,

it hit me like a sleeping bag full of sleeping pills

in the grocery store

shopping alone for the first time in years.

It hit me so hard I could have unzipped the thing

and slept for the decade -

but I would twist in bittersweet dream,

I would remember how I used to sit on the couch

in the complete dark

and how she would kneel in front of me, head bobbing

while I watched myself grow inside of her mouth for a while,

and then I’d stare at the blank computer monitor

like it was a black mirror growing in a white sea

of euphoria.

It was all powered off but only temporarily because

the internet is an invasive species, just like our hearts;

always growing,

always smothering;

bursting at the zipper.

I’ve been having this dream for the last month

where I am driving and there is hardly anybody on the road

but I keep cutting them off screaming

How the hell am I ever going to get home in this goddamn traffic

and a voice says

Honey, you are growing impatient with the language and the yellow lane

Sometimes I imagine that our nature

with all of that sunlight and water

grows too much in haste

with the weight of a heavy burden,

an unsustainable harvesting

of agriculture to benefit others.

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